The Bizzflo platform allows for comprehensive management of all of your gun and accessories sales and tracking. You can easily track sales and inventory for both serialized products (firearms and optics typically carry serial numbers) and non-serialized products in the Bizzflo platform.
  • Create/Track all of your vendors (suppliers) in the system and manage all of the different firearms and accessories that they supply.
  • Create firearm or accessory purchase orders in the Bizzflo system and send those Pos automatically to the vendors for fulfillment.
  • The receiver module for your dock/receiving station where you can track all the incoming PO (purchase order) or non PO receivables.
  • The receiver module also allows for approvals to be obtained and for payments to tracked for the vendor invoices. Approvals at the receiver allows for updating the product inventory directly.
  • The inventory audit module allows you to audit all the products at once or by specific categories. You can configure the audit levels at the business, category or subcategory levels.
  • You can create a variance report after each audit to verify inventory levels and also use the variance report finalization to update the stock on hand.
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Gun Inventory Software:

  • Bizzflo presents a highly effective solution for efficiently managing firearm inventory.
  • Bizzflo was meticulously crafted to address the existing gap in suitable firearm inventory solutions.
  • A diverse range of motivations and regulations compels firearm owners to seek elevated gun inventory management.

Regulator-Centric Firearm Inventory Software:

  • The robust requirements of regulatory bodies for detailed firearm inventory data spurred the creation of a seamlessly streamlined software solution.
  • Bizzflo stands as a user-friendly alternative, intelligently replacing outdated and inefficient spreadsheet methods.
  • The prevalence of unnecessary stress stemming from missing documentation during audits highlights the necessity for an improved system

Confidential Information within Firearm Inventory Software:

  • At the core of Bizzflo's ethos lies an unwavering commitment to data security and privacy.
  • Our Gun Inventory Software prioritizes unwaveringly accurate data, safeguarding customer privacy, and fortifying information security.

Practical Firearm Inventory Management in the Real World:

  • Bizzflo's innovative solution streamlines firearm inventory organization, ensuring seamless compliance with accessory regulations.
  • By simplifying ammunition management, we elevate the experiences of both employees and customers during their visits to the range.
delayed disposition

Instill Confidence in Your Firearm Inventory Software:

  • Bizzflo's state-of-the-art, cloud-based Gun Inventory Software offers adaptable, on-demand access, granting users detailed firearm insights and comprehensive maintenance tracking.
  • Effectively manage personal collections, rentals, and the day-to-day tasks of firearm maintenance with utmost confidence.

Comprehensive Records for Firearm Retailers and Regulators:

  • Elevating your industry reputation and forging strong rapport with law enforcement can be achieved through meticulous firearm record-keeping.
  • Bizzflo's steadfast dedication to maintaining a comprehensive repository of firearm data provides accountability and fulfills training record imperatives.